An experimental design challenge with the goal of crafting intriguing creations from predetermined technology and a specified audience.

[FYI: This video is not hosted and/or owned by me.]


When serendipity led the randomizer to select Beacon as technology and Artist as the audience, I initially grappled with the perceived limitations of Beacon tech. It seemed straightforward yet constricted. However, a past project involving Beacon-enhanced in-store engagement sparked an idea. Why not harness Beacon technology to craft a unique “instrument” for artists?

The concept was simple: Each beacon symbolized an instrument, from guitars to drums. Constantly emitting Bluetooth signals, these Beacons engaged with a Raspberry Pi acting as the receiver. By calculating the distance between itself and nearby Beacons, the Pi triggered distinctive sounds corresponding to the instruments. The result? A group of artists creating music with invisible instruments, a fusion of technology and artistry.


